Hungary considers the implementation of SALW/SCA projects as one of the flagships of the OSCE. The achievements in this field are unquestionable: thousands of SALW and thousands of tons of conventional ammunition have been destroyed with the assistance of the OSCE, making the life of citizens of the OSCE area safer, creating favourable circumstances for economic growth and promoting social and infrastructural development.
For Hungary, the stability and security of the Western Balkans is a strategic priority. Hence, we consider the work of the OSCE in supporting the countries of the region requesting assistance as fundamental. This work and the OSCE help would not be possible without the dedication and commitment of the participating States. Therefore, Hungary and in particular the Ministry of Defence is a strong supporter of this joint endeavour contributing to the programmes earmarked for OSCE SALW/SCA Extra Budgetary projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro by providing significant financial support.