
Location Info
South-Eastern Europe
Participating State

On 25 March 2019, the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia submitted an Assistance request to the OSCE FSC, reg. no. 1227/20-10. This request identifies three areas where the OSCE's technical support and expertise are sought. These are as follows: 1) support to the establishment of deactivation legislative framework and its effective practical implementation; 2) strengthening the capacities of the MoI's K9 Units to detect weapons and explosives; 3) support to the MoI in planning, design and implementation of the awareness-raising campaigns on the dangers posed by SALW. 

The OSCE Mission in co-ordination with the Secretariat’s Conflict Prevention Centre/Forum for Security Co-operation (CPC/FSC), has developed a dedicated Extra budgetary project no.2400789 titled "Support to designing and implementing awareness raising campaigns on SALW control in Serbia". 

Ongoing Activities

The Extra Budgetary project no.2400789 is addressing the challenges that the police are facing while conducting awareness activities for informing the general public on the threats posed by SALW and media campaigns for the collection and legalization of illegally possessed firearms, ammunition and explosives. At the same time, the project is addressing the key responsibilities of the Serbian MoI and provides a framework for assistance in the implementation of the new SALW Control Strategy and Action Plan. 

Having in mind the highly technical nature of the deactivation and K9, the consultations in those two fields are in the final stages and a dedicated Extra Budgetary Project is expected to be launched in January 2021. 

Past Activities

Pursuant to the Assistance Request of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia submitted in June 2011, the OSCE, together with the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia and UNDP’s SEESAC Initiative, have established a joint Capacity Development Programme for Conventional Ammunition Stockpile Management for the Republic of Serbia (CASM).

The overall goal of the project was to improve the safety and security of the ammunition stockpiles in Serbia, reduce risks to the health and life of the civilian population living in the neighbourhood of the ammunition storage depots and prevent possible ammunition proliferation through demilitarization and disposal of surplus white phosphorus- and special chemicals filled ammunition, including napalm powder, in a safe, efficient and effective way.

Within the implementation of the CASM project following results were reached:

  • Disposal of 162 tonnes of napalm powder.
  • Disposal of 525 tonnes of white phosphorus filled ammunition.
  • Disposal of 94,279 pieces of special smoke ammunition.
  • Demilitarization process safety upgrades in Kragujevac site, with antistatic floors introduced in January 2015, and internal CCTV system installed in 2016.
  • Sprinkler (fire-fighting) system design prepared and approved by MoD.
Projects in Serbia
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