Support to strengthening of the Canine (K9) capacity of the Police Services to detect and confiscate SALW, ammunition and explosives

Project Info
OSCE Region
1 September 2020 - 30 December 2024
Gender Marker

Project Team consists of: 

  • Project Manager,
  • Activity Manager, and
  • Project Officer  

This project does not envisage use of implementing partners or development of formalised partnerships. 


The objective of this project is to support the strengthening of the existing K-9 capability of Kosovo Police and its direct contribution towards prevention, suppression and investigation of SALW, ammunition, and explosives misuse and trafficking in the WB.


The outcome of this project is the improvement of the normative, training, infrastructural, and technical capabilities of Kosovo Police in support of its efforts towards countering the illegal possession, misuse and trafficking of SALW, ammunition and explosives.


The project  will implement the following activities:

Activity 1.1: Conduct a Comprehensive Needs Assessment on organisational, structural and operational capacities of the K-9 police units

Activity 1.2: Support drafting of the Master Plan for the development of enhanced and sustainable K-9 capability of KP and provision of technical assistance on related legal and practical matters

Activity 2.1: Support amendments and supplements to the regulatory and training framework that would advance the efficiency of maintenance, use, and deployment of K-9, particularly with regards to the detection of SALW, ammunition and explosives. This activity forsees also capacity building activities, such as specialized trainings, exxhange programme, on the job training and te provision of necessary infrastructure and equipment required for the training, tactical and operational performance of the K-9 Unit". 

Activity 2.2: Monitoring, evaluation and visibility of the project

Activity 2.3: Project management and administration 


The project developed a Risk management plan designed to address a range of identified risks. 


Background And Justification

Criminal activities of organised crime groups in the Western Balkans (WB) became more sophisticated with respect to misuse and trafficking of SALW originating or transiting the region towards Western and Northern Europe. The fight against these crime groups is becoming more complex, and demands a more coordinated and joint engagement of different specialised law enforcement units and institutions. As identified by numerous Serious and Organised Crime Threat Assessments (SOCTA), the crime groups are smuggling firearms from and through the region towards the EU countries in small shipments and with the use of various means of concealment and transportation. Firearms are also often attempted to be smuggled hidden in the personal luggage and in regular international bus and railway lines. This makes detection of these shipments very difficult through conventional detection methods and would require combination of techniques, resources and technology.



The proposed project was developed against a backdrop of the Kosovo SALW Strategy and its accompanying Action Plan. As such it will support the Kosovo Police in meeting several commitments made. First, commitment of its institutions to implement numerous activities in accordance with international standards, including but not limited to the OSCE norms and standards in the area of SALW and SCA. Secondly, the project will support relevant institutions to reach their commitments to Key Performance Indicators as defined in the Roadmap for a sustainable solution to the illegal possession, misuse and trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and their ammunition in the WB by 2024 (the Roadmap)[1].

In consultation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the General Police Directorate, primarily and the Special Unit and the K9 Unit it was identified that their existing K-9 capabilities as a resource are underutilised with respect to SALW, ammunition and explosives detection. The K9 Unit is centralised and operating as an asset of the special units. As such K9 provides assistance throughout Kosovo as well as crossing points in the region.

[1] .

Conducting a comprehensive Assessment
Contracting the design company for K9 infrastructure upgrade
Hiring the Project officer
Deliver finalized design of infrastructure upgrades
Deliver the training on dog anatomy
Project AMENDED (AMDT 1)
Development of ToR for Construction of K-9 Polygon
Open Bidding process for construction of K-9 Polygon
Master Plan – Consultants/Experts visit to Kosovo
1st bid unsuccessful – cancelation of first Bid.
Amending ToR for construction of K-9 Polygon,
Delivery of training for K-9: Dog Handlers
Opening Second Bidding process in Procurement for construction of K-9 Polygon
Draft finalization of ToR for K-9 Equipment
Opening Bidding process in Procurement for K-9 Equipment
Selection of awarded company from bidding process for K-9 Equipment
Master Plan - Finalization and Submission
Purchase of K-9 equipment/Delivery by 15th of March 2023 - Sub-Activity 2.1.5
Master Plan – Translation in Alb. And Ser. – Preparation for printing
Workshop for Master Plan – Presentation
Handover of K-9 specialized equipment
Delivery of K-9 Polygon
Repairing works on existing kennel
Procurement of the vehicles necessary for the use of the K-9 Units.