Improvement of SALW physical security in Tajikistan

Project Info
OSCE Region
1 January 2016 - 31 December 2021
Gender Marker

The project implementation team consists of the project manager, a project assistant, and a construction engineer.


To date, project does not envisage implamanting partners or any formalised partnerships. 


The main objective of the project is to contribute towards regional stability in Central Asia through safe and secure storage of SALW within Tajikistan


The main project outcome will be the improved SALW and CA physical security in Tajikistan


Project will implemente the following activity: Refurbishment and security upgrade of the MoD Joint SALW Depots

The planned scope of works under the Activity includes recruitment of project staff, signing an MoU document with the Ministry of Defense, conduct of tendering procedures to select a company for developing the storages' design documentation and the one for performing renovation and construction works. 

In completion of tendering procedures and fonce the contract has been signed, the bid-winning constrcution company will be in charge of renovation works at the project sites. The planned amount of works includes renovation and security upgrade of three storages, construction of an administrative building, as well as provision and installation of all types of dedicated security equipment.


The project developed a Risk management plan designed to address a range of identified risks. 

Background And Justification

Implementation of the SALW and CA Programme (2005 - 2009) supported Tajikistan to gain control over its arms stockpiles through construction/refurbishment of more than 60 storage facilities and armory rooms throughout Tajikistan, provided the country with both equipment and capacities to destroy excessive numbers of weapons and ammunition. At the same time, the OSCE was focused on increasing capacities of Tajik law-enforcement agencies and armed forces on SALW and CA physical security and stockpile management, with the main goal to reduce the risks of proliferation and improve human security in Tajikistan.

The Ministry of Defence of Tajikistan submitted through the OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation (FSC) its request to participating States for assistance in the improvement of their stockpile security management system, through security upgrade of the country’s MoD central arms depots located in Dushanbe. Considering insufficient economic capacities of the MoD to tackle the issue independently, and the continued co-operation of Tajikistan with the OSCE on small arms security issues, the Government of Tajikistan expressed interest in having the OSCE Office in Tajikistan fully involved in the design and implementation of an appropriate project. Therefore, in accordance with the OSCE Document on SALW, this project tackles an issue, which is amongst OSCE priorities and addresses issues of arms security and control in Tajikistan, thus contributing towards regional security in Central Asian region as a whole.


The OSCE has been involved in the SALW&CA PSSM agenda in Tajikistan since 2004; implementation of the SALW and CA Programme (2005 - 2009) supported Tajikistan to gain control over its arms stockpiles through construction/refurbishment of more than 60 storage facilities and armoury rooms throughout Tajikistan, provided the country with both equipment and capacities to destroy excessive numbers of weapons and ammunition. At the same time, the OSCE was focused on increasing capacities of Tajik law-enforcement agencies and armed forces on SALW and CA physical security and stockpile management, with the main goal to reduce the risks of proliferation and improve human security in Tajikistan. The current assistance project requested by the Tajik Government (through its Ministry of Defence) adds to the overall tangible results of the OSCE assistance projects in the country. Moreover, considering the latest security developments in the neighbouring Afghanistan and increased security risks to other countries of the region, implementation of the project will contribute to the overall security in the region of Central Asia from the SALW&CA security and non-proliferation perspective.

Provision of dedicated security equipment for the storage #1
Construction of administrative building
Renovation of SALW storage #1
Additional funding needed to proceed
Renovation of SALW storage #2
Provision of dedicated security equipment for the storages #2 and #3
Renovation of SALW storage #3