Safety and Security Upgrade of Bosnia and Herzegovina Ammunition and Weapons Storage Sites (SAFE-UP BiH)

Project Info

To manage the implementation of this Project a “Project Implementation Team” is established that included:

  • Project Manager – Head of Security Co-operation/Arms Control Project Officer (ACPO) of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (at no cost to the project),
  • Project Assistant – Arms Control/Logistic-Assistant of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • Project Architect/Construction Engineer for the Construction of the Ammo Lab Building, and
  • Project Architect/Construction Engineer for the Installation of the IDS-package at Kula II.

The SAFE-UP BiH Project activities will be implemented through close co-operation among its official partners: BiH MoD, AF BiH, OSCE Mission to BiH and EUFOR “ALTHEA” which will support the project with expertise and experts (e.g. the EUFOR Mobile Training Teams).



The objective of the SAFE-UP BiH project was to contribute to the safety of the civilian population in BiH and abroad, as well as the military members serving at the storage sites in Bosnia and Hercegovina, through further upgrade of the security and safety infrastructure at Bosnia and Herzegovina’s prospective Ammunition and Weapons Storage Sites in accordance with internationally accepted standards.

The project is also contributing to the following Unified Budget objective: To support Bosnia and Herzegovina in providing inclusive security that is responsive to the dynamic and changing security situation, while fully meeting its international multidimensional security commitments.



Following outcomes are expected from this project:

  • Installing the Chemical Laboratory for Ammunition (Ammo Lab) to accelerate Ammunition disposal by identifying the unusable ammunition for destruction and to verify the stability of the components (as propellant, explosives, fuel etc.) of the Ammunition of the AF BiH thus to verify the safety for further storage, transport, usage etc. of it.
  • Providing Fire Protection and Fire Fighting Equipment and hydrant system in TROM Doboj) to significantly upgrade safety by providing equipment for the currently insufficient Fire Protection assets and compensate the not functioning Hydrant networks to ensure Fire Fighting capabilities, in compliance with international standards, by providing Fire Brigade Trucks and additional Fire Fighting toolkits.
  • Installing the IDS-Package at Kula II and street light in ASS Kula I and Kula II and WSS Rabic, and equipping guard and administration buildings at ASSs Krupa and Kula, as well as repairing the fence at ASS Krupa to significantly upgrade security in order to securely store all the BiH AF’s prospective Ammunition at three sites (Krupa, Kula I and Kula II) required for the amount/tonnage envisaged by BiH MoD and AF, as well as to increase security of weapon storage.
  • Providing needed equipment for SALW deactivation capacity thus accelerating SALW deactivation activities in BiH MoD/AF,  and decreasing the number of non-prospective and non-useful lethal weapons in the possession of AF BiH.
  • Installation of new perimeter security fence around the Ammo Lab thus improving its own security as well as secuirty of delaboration facility nearby.

Activity 1.1. Construction and furnishing of the Ammo Lab building with sample storage room
Sub-activity 1.1.1. Completion of the technical documentation for laboratory building construction works
Sub-activity 1.1.2 Procurement of materials and construction of the laboratory building (consisting of three rooms plus including a special protected room for the storage of ammunition samples, requiring special antistatic floor, air conditioning, air filtering and fire protection equipment and construction of storage building for ammo samples.)
Sub-activity 1.1.3. Hiring of a supervisor for laboratory construction works
Sub-activity 1.1.4 Procurement of special furniture for the laboratory
Sub-activity 1.1.5 Procurement of communication equipment for the laboratory building
Sub-activity 1.1.6 Procurement of communication supplies for the laboratory building
Sub-activity 1.1.7 Procurement of office stationary and accessories for the laboratory building
Sub-activity 1.1.8 Procurement of building supplies for the laboratory building
Sub-activity 1.1.9 Procurement of IT supplies for the laboratory building
Sub-activity 1.1.10 Procurement of additional minor supplies for the laboratory building
Sub-activity 1.1.11 Delivery and installation of the special furniture for the laboratory building
Sub-activity 1.1.12. Monitoring visits of project team to installation works (at no costs, just transport means)

Activity 1.2. Procuring of and Installation of the Laboratory Instruments6
Sub-activity 1.2.1. Completion of the technical documentation
Sub-activity 1.2.2.a Procurement of measuring and analysing instruments (for chemical and thermal analysis of Ammo components)
Sub-activity 1.2.2.b Installation and calibration of instruments
Sub-activity 1.2.2.c Procurement of consumption material for measuring and other laboratory tools
Sub-activity 1.2.3.a Procurement of digital camera and office equipment
Sub-activity 1.2.3.b Memory module card for digital camera
Sub-activity 1.2.3.c Carrying case for digital camera and accessories
Sub-activity 1.2.4. Instruments shipping charges
Sub-activity 1.2.5. Training to use the instruments (by CHE or EUFOR experts) (at no costs to the project budget)
Sub-activity 1.2.6. Monitoring visits of project team to installation works (at no costs just transport means)
Sub-activity 1.2.7. Procurement of office supplies
Sub-activity 1.2.8. Procurement of medical accessories
Sub-activity 1.2.9. Procurement of minor supplies
Sub-activity 1.2.10. External hard-drive
Sub-activity 1.2.11. Transport and delivery of instruments and tools                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sub-activity 1.2.12. Project Team Visits to the site
Sub-activity 1.2.13. Procurement of toners

Activity 1.3 Upgrading of additional space for enlargement of capacities of Ammo Lab Building
Sub-activity 1.3.1 Completion of the technical documentation for upgrading additional space for enlargement of capacities of Ammo Lab Building
Sub-activity 1.3.2 Business Information Report for bidding companies
Sub-activity 1.3.3 Procurement of materials and construction/upgrading of the laboratory building according of project technical documentation
Sub-activity 1.3.3a Procurement of equipment and furniture for enlargement of capacities of Ammo Lab Building
Sub-activity 1.3.3b Procurement of IT equipment for enlargement of capacities of Ammo Lab Building
Sub-activity 1.3.3c Procurement of IT supplies for enlargement of capacities of Ammo Lab Building
Sub-activity 1.3.3d Procurement of household supplies for enlargement of capacities of Ammo Lab Building
Sub-activity 1.3.3e Procurement of communication supplies for enlargement of capacities of Ammo Lab Building
Sub-activity 1.3.3f Procurement of other minor supplies for enlargement of capacities of Ammo Lab Building
Sub-activity 1.3.3g Procurement of minor office supplies for enlargement of capacities of Ammo Lab Building
Sub-activity 1.3.4 Hiring of a supervisor for laboratory construction/upgrading works Sub-activity 1.3.5 Monitoring visits of project team to installation works (at no costs, just transport means)

Activity 2.1. Procurement and installation of Fire Protection/Fire Fighting Equipment at the ASS Krupa, Kula I, Kula II and TROM Doboj
Sub-activity 2.1.1. Completion of the Technical Project Documentation7
Sub-activity 2.1.2 Procurement and Installation of Fire Protection/Fire Fighting Equipment (shovels, sand, fire beater, hand held extinguishers etc.) helmets, lawn trimmers, water tanks and equipment cabinet for each ammunition storage building plus reserves
Sub-activity 2.1.3 Visits by supervisor (provided by EUFOR, at no costs to the project budget, just OSCE transport means)
Sub-activity 2.1.4. Monitoring visits of project team to installation works (at no costs to the project budget, just OSCE transport means)
Sub-activity 2.1.5. Training for the Fire Fighting equipment (provided by EUFOR, at no costs to the project budget)

Activity 2.2. Upgrading of two (2) garages in ASSs Kula and Krupa
Sub-activity 2.2.1 Review of existing technical project documentation
Sub-activity 2.2.2 Construction of partition walls, including doors
Sub-activity 2.2.3 Installation of gutters

Activity 2.3. Procurement and installation of Fire Protection/Fire Fighting Equipment (i.e. Extinguishers and toolkits) at the WSS Teufik Buza and Rabic
Sub-activity 2.3.1. Completion of the Technical Project Documentation
Sub-activity 2.3.2 Procurement and Installation of equipment

Activity 2.4. Reactivation of the three (3) metal fire observation towers in ASS Krupa
Sub-activity 2.4.1. Provision of the Technical Project Documentation
Sub-activity 2.4.2. Reactivation of the three (3) metal observation towers

Activity 2.5 Construction of two (2) fire observation towers (one in Kula I and one in Kula II) and reactivation of one metal fire observation tower in ASS Kula I
Sub-activity 2.5.1 Provision of the technical project documentation
Sub-activity 2.5.2 Procurement of materials and construction of two observation towers in ASS Kula
Sub-activity 2.5.3 Procurement of materials and reactivation of the observation tower in ASS Kula
Sub-activity 2.5.4 Hiring local expert for supervision of construction works

Activity 2.6 Construction of hydrant system in TROM Doboj
Sub-activity 2.6.1 Provision of the technical project documentation
Sub-activity 2.6.2 Procurement of materials and construction of hydrant system in TROM Doboj
Sub-activity 2.6.3 Hiring Local expert for supervision of construction works
Sub-activity 2.6.2a Pump for Hydrant system in TROM Doboj
Sub-activity 2.6.2b Generator for Hydrant system in TROM Doboj

Activity 3.1. Preparing of the Installation, Procuring and Installation of the IDS package at Kula II
Sub-activity 3.1.1. Field visits of the Project Implementation Team to Storage Sites/Assessment of the infrastructure subject to upgrading
Sub-activity 3.1.1.a Field visits to Storage Sites/Assessment of the infrastructure subject to upgrading by the Project Architect/Designer and one BiH MoD representative
Sub-activity 3.1.2. SSA for a local expert for supervision of procuring of the IDS parts¸and installation of IDS-package
Sub-activity 3.1.3. Designing the Technical Project Documentation for the whole IDS-Package by Project Architect/Designer
Sub-activity 3.1.4. Review of technical documentation by a technical documentation evaluation expert
Sub-activity 3.1.5. Procuring of the IDS-parts and Installation of IDS package
Sub-activity 3.1.6. SSA – for Local expert for supervision of construction works
Sub-activity 3.1.7. SSA – for Supervisor of power supply works (high voltage)
Sub-activity 3.1.8. SSA – for Supervisor of power supply works (low voltage)
Sub-activity 3.1.9. Monitoring visits of project team to installation works
Sub-activity 3.1.10. Technical commissioning (no cost activity)
Sub-activity 3.1.11. Handover to MoD (no cost activity)

Activity 3.2 Installation of a street light system to improve security at ASS Kula II
Sub-activity 3.2.1 Procurement of led lamps
Sub-activity 3.2.2 Construction of the street light system (foundation, cable, poles etc.)
Sub-activity 3.2.3 Installation of the street light system

Activity 3.3 Installation of a street light system to improve security at ASS Kula I
Sub-activity 3.3.1 Completion of the technical documentation
Sub-activity 3.3.2 Procurement of materials for foundation, cables, light poles etc. of the street light system
Sub-activity 3.3.3 Installation of the street light system (foundation, cable, poles etc.)
Sub-activity 3.3.4 Quality Control Supervision
Sub-activity 3.3.5 Procurement of Diesel Generator

Activity 3.4 Installation of a street light system to improve security at WSS Rabic
Sub-activity 3.4.1 Completion of the technical documentation
Sub-activity 3.4.2 Procurement of materials for foundation, cables, light poles etc. of the street light system
Sub-activity 3.4.3 Installation of the street light system (foundation, cable, poles etc.)
Sub-activity 3.4.4 Quality Control Supervision

Activity 3.5 Replacement of approximately 2500 m of a (“light”, demarcation) fence13 in TROM Doboj
Sub-activity 3.5.1 Completion of the technical documentation including field visits of project team to the storage site
Sub-activity 3.5.2 Construction of the new (“light”, demarcation) fence
Sub-activity 3.5.3 Upgrade of gates and construction of a small pedestrian bridge) in TROM Doboj
Sub-activity 3.5.4 Monitoring visits of project team to installation works

Activity 3.6 Repairing the fence at ASS Krupa
Sub-activity 3.6.1 Completion of the technical documentation including field visits of project team to the storage site
Sub-activity 3.6.2 Repair/adjustment of the fence
Sub-activity 3.6.3 Monitoring visits of project team to installation works

Activity 3.7. Procuring and installing equipment for the guard and administration buildings at ASSs Krupa and Kula
Sub-activity 3.7.1 Field visits of the Project Implementation Team to Storage Sites/Assessment of the infrastructure of guard and administration building
Sub-activity 3.7.2. Procuring of the equipment for guard and administration buildings at ASSs Krupa and Kula
Sub-activity 3.7.3. Handover to MoD (no cost activity)

Activity 3.8. Procuring and providing SALW deactivation equipment
Sub-activity 3.8.1 Field visits of the Project Implementation Team to locations/sites for SALW deactivation to assess relevant capacity and infrastructure (no cost)
Sub-activity 3.8.2. Procuring required equipment for SALW deactivation
Sub-activity 3.8.3. Handover of the procured equipment to MoD (no cost)

Activity 4.1. Assisting BiH MoD in ensuring the permanent operability and the sustainability of the IDS-Packages installed by SECUP BiH in Krupa and Kula I by funding spare parts
Sub-activity 4.1.1.a Procurement of spare parts - (for items beyond warranty)
Sub-activity 4.1.1b Procurement of spare safety parts (for items beyond warranty)
Sub-activity 4.1.1c Procurement of minor spare supplies for critical items (e.g. fuse, electric switch gear.)
Sub-activity 4.1.1d Procurement of minor safety supplies for critical items (e.g. smoke detector)
Sub-activity 4.1.1e Procurement of spare safety parts for critical items (switches)
Sub-activity 4.1.2 Ad-hoc minor maintenance and installation services

Activity 4.2. Contracting provision of maintenance and repair services for IDS in ASS Krupa and ASS Kula for 2018
Sub-activity 4.2.1. Contracting provision of maintenance and repair services for IDS in ASS Krupa and ASS Kula for 2018
Sub-activity 4.2.2a SSA – for local expert for supervision of maintenance and repair services for IDS
Sub-activity 4.2.2b SSA DSA - Local expert visits to the location
Sub-activity 4.2.3 Training of BiH AF operators of IDS

Activity 4.3 Contracting provision of maintenance and repair services for IDS in ASS Krupa and ASS Kula for 2019
Sub-activity 4.3.1 Contracting provision of maintenance and repair services for IDS in ASS Krupa and ASS Kula for 2019
Sub-activity 4.3.2 SSA – for Local expert for supervision of maintenance and repair services for IDS
Sub-activity 4.3.3 Training of BiH AF operators of IDS for 2019


The project developed a Risk management plan designed to address seven identified risks. 

Background And Justification

In March 2011, BiH submitted a request for assistance to the OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation (FSC) for enhancing stockpile management and security of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and Conventional Ammunition (CA) storage sites (FSC.DEL/75/11).
Subsequently, the Mission implemented the Project “Security Infrastructure Upgrade of BiH Ammunition and Weapons Storage Sites” (SECUP BiH, referring to FSC.DEL/205/16 as of 2nd Nov 2016) installing approx. 9,000 m fences, perimeter and internal fences around SALW-storage buildings, and installing (together with UNDP) four Intruder Detection System Packages (mainly Surveillance Cameras) at all four prospective storage sites achieving good international security level there, to prevent unauthorised access, deliberate intrusion and thus theft and proliferation, as well as mitigating accidental explosions.
To ensure sustainability of the achievements of the SECUP BiH the following activities have been included in the follow-on project - provision of maintenance of spare parts and prolongation of warranty by another two years.

Authorised by the Ammunition Weapons and Explosives (AWE) Strategic Committee and tasked by the AWE Coordination Committee, six workshops have been conducted from March to May 2016, to assess the status of the BiH Storage and Disposal Sites, to evaluate achievements by the involved organisations (e.g. OSCE, UNDP, MoD), identify shortcomings and deficiencies and draft an AWE-Action Plan (including burden sharing between the involved actors). As a result, the OSCE has been asked to cover the Ammo Lab, the IDS-Package for Kula II and the Fire Protection/Fighting equipment.3
Subsequently the Minister of Defence officially in the Letter (of 30 September 2016) requested the OSCE Mission’s assistance in these fields.


Striving to mitigate the risk to the civilian population and military personnel, BiH MoD has been working to reduce the number of its weapons and ammunition storage sites for many years (BiH MoD has reduced the number of its ammunition storage sites from 38 to 18). Prerequisite to close down more of the non-prospective storage sites is the disposal of all surplus ammunition stored there. However, the reduction of all non-prospective sites will – given the current disposal rate for surplus ammunition – require another 4-5 years and only if political consensus can be achieved. The AF BiH ammunition/weapons stocks are currently stored in 16 permanent and 2 temporary locations. Out of these, 5 ammunition and 2 weapons storage sites have been identified by the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina as “prospective” for the future of AF BiH, while the remaining storage sites were declared as “non-prospective” and destined to be closed down.
Following the results of the OSCE Mission to BiH assessment visit conducted in June 2011 and the BiH MoD’s figures for prospective ammunition and weapons as of 2011 - only ASS Krupa, ASS Kula, WSS Rabic and WSS Teufik Buza have been considered as prospective and valuable investing donor’s funds into. Due to the lack of relevant expertise and financial resources, the infrastructural conditions of the BiH storage sites of which most are much older than 20 years have deteriorated over the past decades. In their present condition they do not ensure sufficient security of the stored SALW and CA. Therefore, the risk of unauthorised access and deliberate intrusion resulting in theft, proliferation, misuse and human losses due to improper stockpile security is considerably increasing in the country. Through implementation of project SECUP BiH a high level of security in four prospective sites targeted by the Project, has been achieved.

Meanwhile the figures for prospective ammunition sites have been revised by BiH MoD in 2012, resulting in a demand for not only two but three prospective ASS. ASS Kula II, as having the best infrastructural conditions and being located next to ASS Kula I, has been proposed to be upgraded to the same security level as the other four prospective storage sites (i.e. an IDS-Package has to be installed there).

Installation of street light in ASS Kula I technical zone and ASS Kula II technical zone and in WSS Rabic will increase visibility at night time, increase capacity to detect intrusion and allow for rapid intervention by the Guards Quick Reaction Forces in order to prevent theft and proliferation of SALW and convention ammunition.

Establishment of chemical ammunition laboratory in TROM Doboj will lead to increase in activities with ammunition and explosive in military site, increasing the challenges from proliferation. Currently, there is a broken fence around TROM Doboj and it cannot prevent from intrusion into the military facility, to disable unauthorised access and proliferation of explosive. The fence in TROM Doboj should be replaced, specifically approximately 2500 m of a (“light”, demarcation) fence, which will increase security of site in line with OSCE best practices.

Equipping of guard and administration buildings at ASSs Krupa and Kula will increase capacity of storage sites administration to manage ammunition and of the guards to detect any intrusion and to act rapidly.
The repair/adjustment of the fence at ASS Krupa will increase security of the site in line with OSCE best practices.

BiH MoD/AF are storing quantities of non-prospective SALW i.e. lethal weapons that are not needed for use by the military. Due to lack of SALW deactivation capacity, AF BiH could not deactivate those lethal weapons. Provision of needed equipment for SALW deactivation will support BiH MoD in establishing sufficient SALW deactivation capacity and will help decrease the quantity of non-prospective and non-useful lethal weapons in possession of AF BiH.

Safety / Disposal of Surplus Ammo

Due to the lack of PSSM expertise and financial resources, the storage conditions of the ammunition inherited from two former entity armies, now stored at the sites, have deteriorated over the past decades. The ammunition is more than 20 years old and unstable; the present storage conditions do not meet the international PSSM standards; there is no data about the Life Cycle of the ammunition, in particular whether it is still safe for storage, transport and usage. Therefore, the risk of accidental explosions and subsequent risk to health and lives of civilians and military is increasing in the country.
In order to accelerate the disposal of surplus of ammunition by identifying the unusable ammunition and to analyse the critical components of the ammunition for assessing the Life Cycle of the ammunition, a Laboratory for Chemical and Thermal Analysis of the ammunition is urgently required.
As another major shortcoming, the lack of effective Fire Protection and Fire Fighting capabilities (especially due to the complete destruction of all Hydrant Networks) has been identified during the workshops mentioned before4. The lack of Fire Protection and Fire Fighting capabilities increases the risk of accidental explosions and/or destruction of stored goods, as well as the IDS-Packages installed by SECUP BiH and it should be remedied by providing essential assets and equipment. Having no sufficient funds available, the BiH MoD cannot take over this task in an acceptable timeline. Therefore the OSCE has been asked to help the BiH MoD to cover this issue.

In addition, lack of space for daily activity of storage sites’ administration and guards’ service at ASSs Krupa and Kula hampers effective management of ammunition and implementation of the full capacity in PSSM. The lack of earmarked funds for BiH MoD does not allow for repair/adjustment of the fence at ASS Krupa that was destroyed in two places by flood waters. Therefore, the OSCE and UNDP have been requested to support BiH MoD in resolving this issue. UNDP has in the meantime upgraded administration and guard buildings at ASSs Krupa and Kula. Lack of AF BiH SALW deactivation capacity is preventing BiH MoD from conducting deactivation of significant quantities of non-perspective and non-useful lethal weapons stockpiles.

The Mission will refurbish Hydrant Network in TROM Doboj, as it is located in the populated area and taking into consideration risks associated with that location, which make it a top priority for Hydrant Network refurbishment. In addition, the Mission will upgrade and reactivate three old observation towers in ASS Krupa, construct two new observation towers, one in Kula I and one in Kula II and reactivate one existing tower in Kula I in order to increase capacities at these sites to observe and detect fire in the early stage to enable timely reaction. The Mission will also work on the upgrade of two (2) garages in ASSs Kula and Krupa, provided through SECUP BiH project, requiring minor upgrade to enable safe storage of Fire Fighting tools. The Mission will equip administration and guard buildings at ASSs Krupa and Kula in order to increase capacity for management of ammunition at the prospective storage sites. In addition, the Mission will repair/adjust the fence at ASS Krupa in order to increase physical security of the storage site. The Mission will provide SALW deactivation equipment to allow conducting of relevant AF BiH training on SALW deactivation with the use of that equipment. Establishment of AF BiH SALW deactivation capacity will be a joint effort of the OSCE and EUFOR, and OSCE-provided equipment for SALW deactivation will complement capacity building/training being conducted/facilitated by the EUFOR Mobile Training Team (MTT).

Security / Monitoring the sustainability of SECUP BiH results

One of the major concerns of the SECUP donors has been the sustainability of the four IDS-Packages installed by OSCE and UNDP at the four prospective sites. Core problem is providing trained personnel for operating/monitoring and for maintenance/service of the valuable equipment/installations.
This requires attaching and training of personnel, and allocating significant funds in the BiH MoD’s Budget every year for maintenance/ servicing of the IDS-Packages by civilian contractors. Both issues represent major challenges to the BiH MoD and AF BiH responsible for the Camera Surveillance Systems. The Mission supports BiH MoD already by funding the warranty for 2016/2017 and will decide in mid-2017, respectively in mid-2018, whether it is necessary to provide maintenance and repair services for the subsequent year, in case BiH MoD is incapable to ensure sustainability by itself.
